8 world-leading stocks to play 3 of investing's most pressing mega-trends Posted in News from the Network by Livewire on September 13th, 2023. Munro Partners' Chief Investment Officer, Nick Griffin recently appeared in a session at Livewire Live along with other portfolio managers to answer a handful of crucial investor questions. Addressing some of the leading questions on investors’ minds currently, they discussed a range of themes and some opportunities to invest in: Artificial intelligence Cloud computing, and The energy transition. You can read the insights from the session here. Disclaimer: This material has been prepared by Livewire, published on 13 September 2023. HM1 is not responsible for the content of linked websites or content prepared by third party. The inclusion of these links and third-party content does not in any way imply any form of endorsement by HM1 of the products or services provided by persons or organisations who are responsible for the linked websites and third-party content. This information is for general information only and does not consider the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. Before making an investment decision, you should read the relevant disclosure document (if appropriate) and seek professional advice to determine whether the investment and information is suitable for you.