Value as at close of business on 31 January 2024
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Remarkable, Australia’s first disability-tech accelerator made possible by Cerebral Palsy Alliance, has released a video sharing the innovative products developed by the 2022 cohort.
Black Dog Institute’s art-based researcher Professor Katherine Boydell is starring in an ABC documentary series, Space 22, hosted by Natalie Bassingthwaighte. The series follows those with lived experience of mental ill health.
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Professors Peter Macdonald and Bob Graham believe so.
Researchers at WEHI have developed a way to potentially reduce the toxic side-effects of a type of immunotherapy, in findings that could overcome the pioneering treatment’s biggest limitation.
COVID-19 may have stopped tours of Victor Chang's Innovation Centre but it certainly hasn’t slowed their scientists from making new discoveries as shown in this video with Sky News Australia.
This video features Professor Nadia Badawi AM, Professor Alistair McEwan, Paul Rayson and others discussing the incredible impact our partnership will have.
We’re excited to announce a new partnership with the Cerebral Palsy Alliance and are proud to be supporting this important research.
The Florey has recently published new research that sheds light on the phenomenon of “zoom fatigue” – yes it’s a real thing! Listen to this podcast episode as Professor Bernhardt explains what it is and how to prevent it.
Swinburne has signed a transformational $1 million agreement with Hearts and Minds Investments Ltd and Cooper Investors supporting vital mental health medical research.
Florey researchers have partnered with engineers from ANU to develop and study a new type of hydrogel that could radically transform a novel stem cell treatment for Parkinson’s disease.
Prof Ian Hickie, of the Brain and Mind Centre has launched a podcast, Minding Your Mind, to explore all aspects of mental health; the different types of mental health issues we can experience, their causes, how they affect us, and what we can do to get help and find solutions.
Victor Chang scientist has led landmark research that has the potential to stop arteries of the heart from becoming clogged by targeting a particular gene.
New research out of Victor Chang brings treatment for Australia’s biggest killer a step closer, this exciting discovery could lead to new preventative treatments for atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.
MS Research Australia is the largest non-government funder of research into multiple sclerosis (MS). They have invested over $44.3m into MS research via major collaborative research platforms and investigator-led projects.
MS Research Australia has a message of thanks to the Hearts and Minds Community for the support we provide them and their research to Stop and Reverse MS within the next 10 years.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death globally and costs the Australian economy $12 billion each year. Every 12 minutes, one Australian dies from the disease. This is why the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute is dedicated to finding cures through their world class research.
Professor Pat McGorry, Executive Director of Orygen has a message of thanks to Cooper Investors and HM1 shareholders for the support we provide them and their research into the mental health of young people.
Swinburne’s Centre for Human Psychopharmacology is honoured to have been selected by one of Hearts and Minds’ fund managers, Cooper Investors, as a recipient of funding.
Australia urgently needs to prepare for a "silent wave" of COVID-19, which appears to be taking the form of long-term neurological side effects following infection with the virus.
1 in 5 of us will experience symptoms of mental illness in any given year. In Australia that’s around 5 million people. And roughly 60% of these people won’t seek help. Learn what Black Dog is doing to create a mentally healthier world for everyone.
An increasing number of LICs are being created to spit out cash for causes. HM1 is such a LIC that top fund managers donate their time too. This year it paid out $9.3m to medical research. HM1's Chairman Chris Cuffe, speaks to Elysse Morgan on ABC's The Business.
CEO Paul Rayson says HM1's results are outstanding given the bumpy period. COVID-19 has shone a light on medical research and he's proud to contribute to the field and help support people during these tough times.
Listed investment company Hearts and Minds Investments (ASX: HM1) will donate $5.1 million to 10 medical research this week, in addition to the $4.1 million it already donated in March. [Financial Standard]
Emergency departments are the frontline of health care, with one in seven Australians seeking help from a hospital emergency department every year. Our medical staff depend on research findings to help inform their responses to urgent patient needs.
Every year, 4.7 million Australians are diagnosed with one of the conditions that the Florey study. That's why they believe everyone has a stake in medical research.
Swinburne researchers have been investigating the biomarkers for cognitive ageing in healthy elderly Australians to examine whether age associated cognitive decline can be reduced.
The Black Dog Institute has put together a webinar series called "Settling the Mind", which shares evidence-based insights and resources to help you navigate the affects of Covid.
The Charlie Teo Foundation takes a moment to celebrate 2 years of the Foundation (CTF) and the exciting projects they are funding to help in their fight against brain cancer.
1 in 5 young people will have experienced a depressive episode by the time they are 18. With thanks to Cooper Investors and Hearts & Minds, we have been able to put youth mental health on the global agenda and progress our work in developing a global mental health framework.
MS Research Australia launched their #May50k campaign, a virtual and physical challenge to raise money to help #KissGoodbyeToMS.