Munro: 3 factors that shape whether we are at the bottom yet Posted in News from the Network by Firstlinks on August 24th, 2022. Chief Investment Officer of Munro Partners Nick Griffin believes there are three important factors that must be considered in determining whether market bottom has been reached. Find out what these are in this Firstlinks article, as well as some of the areas Areas of Interest Munro are currently monitoring for long-term growth. Disclaimer: This material has been prepared by Firstlinks, published on 24 August 2022. HM1 is not responsible for the content of linked websites or content prepared by third party. The inclusion of these links and third-party content does not in any way imply any form of endorsement by HM1 of the products or services provided by persons or organisations who are responsible for the linked websites and third-party content. This information is for general information only and does not consider the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. Before making an investment decision, you should read the relevant disclosure document (if appropriate) and seek professional advice to determine whether the investment and information is suitable for you.