PRE TAX NTA |$3.92

Value as at close of business on 31 January 2024

<p><span>David Wright is a Managing Partner and joint founder of Zenith Investment Partners (Zenith).</span></p> <p><span>David established Zenith in October 2002 and has extensive investment industry experience. David&rsquo;s role includes overall responsibility of the business and remains closely involved in servicing the Firm&rsquo;s investment consulting clients with portfolio construction, management and monitoring advice.</span></p> <p><span>Prior to establishing Zenith, David held senior positions within the financial services industry including IWL Ltd (Head of Research), an ASX listed company in which he was also a significant equity holder. David was instrumental in building and further developing IWL's managed investment research methodology and process and expanding the group's distribution of research to financial advisers. Other roles included Associate Director and Head of Managed Funds research at Lonsdale Limited and an analyst with the Advisor Group, a national financial planning group.</span></p> <p><span>David has extensive experience researching, assessing and rating many forms of managed investments including, unlisted managed funds, listed managed investments including LIC&rsquo;s, ETF&rsquo;s, ETMF&rsquo;s and property syndicates.</span></p> <p><span>David is also a former practitioner lecturer of the Securities Institute of Australia (now FINSIA).</span></p> 14 David Wright 6 David_Wright.png ShowBiographyDetailsXml false