<p><span>Martin Hughes founded Toscafund Asset Management LLP in 2000. Prior to founding Toscafund, he was Chairman of Tiger Management Corporation Europe (1997-2000) and Global Head of Financials. Prior to joining Tiger, Martin worked at Credit Lyonnais Laing (1987-1997) where he specialised in researching banks, achieving a number 1 analyst ranking in 1992, becoming Head of UK Research in 1995 and Deputy Chief Executive in 1996. Previously, he worked at Barclays Investment Management and Panmure Gordon as a banks sector research analyst. Martin graduated with an honours degree in Economics from Birmingham University in 1983.</span></p> 80 Martin Hughes Toscafund Asset Management 50 Martin Hughes.png https://heartsandmindsinvestments.com.au/site/irmbiographyfile/80/MartinHughes.png https://heartsandmindsinvestments.com.au/site/irmbiographyfile/80/thumbnail/MartinHughes.png ShowBiographyDetailsXml https://heartsandmindsinvestments.com.au/site/showbiographylistxml.aspx?Page=1 false